Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Presenting the Columbia Collge MFA Photography grads, class of 2007, from left to right: Josh Winegar, Lily Mayfield, Bethany Souza, Monika Pawlak, Krista Wortendyke, Jennifer Litterer, Sarah Baranski, Bill Guy, and Chris Schedel

Well... I made it through

Sometimes I wasn't sure if I would. But I'm done... 3 copies of my 35 page (with illustrations) thesis have been turned in, final grades for my 2 TA classes are in, the opening reception is over, and I've walked across the stage in a gray cap and gown with flowing wings hanging from my elbows and a hood practically choking me. The family members who traveled long distances to see my MFA show have come and gone...

I found out that a certain member of the board of trustees for Columbia College (don't know if I should name names) wants to purchase one of my photographs from the thesis exhibition. Sweet! I could definately use the money to help pay for framing costs. This will be the first piece I have sold that wasn't to a friend or family member (though I usually give them to my fam for free).

Now on to new things... applying for jobs so I can teach classes at community colleges in the burbs, or wherever I can find them. Trying to freelance and teach part-time in order to pool together some sort of income.

And Jesse and I are making the largest purchase of our entire lives and moving into a condo... should be moving toward the end of June. Lots of changes, lots of good things going on in my life. I must admit I am blessed.