Monday, January 26, 2009


So I was offered a solo exhibition at Woman Made Gallery here in Chicago! I have been in a couple of group shows at the gallery. The gallery director Beate Minkovski and the gallery coordinator Amy Galpin thought that my Intimate Distance photographs would compliment an upcoming group exhibition entitled, The Emotional Body. I couldn't agree more, since I was considering submitting works for the group exhibition!

Woman Made is such a great gallery space. They have an upper floor where they usually install the group shows and works for the artisan gallery. They also have a lower floor where they install solo exhibitions. My work will be in the rear space on the lower level.

Below is a map of the space where my work will be installed. You can click on the image for a larger view.

The exhibition will run from May 1 - June 11 2009. The opening will be Friday May 1 from 6-9 pm. I'll send out reminders when the date gets closer. Yay!!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

On a side note, I was beginning to feel a sore throat coming on, so I began to prepare some tea made by one of my favorite tea companies, Traditional Medicinals. As I waited for the tea kettle's whistle, I noticed the little note printed on the tag of the teabag. The words just screamed out at me (see above photo). It's so true - the choices YOU make, even the little teeny ones, can create change. In fact, they probably have a more serious effect than you may realize. And it seems to me that it is a conscious and continual effort to make choices that create the change you want in the world, the choices that fight against maintaining the status quo.

Are you recycling? You should. Click here to find a recycling drop-off location in Chicago. There really is no good reason to throw away so much of the stuff you buy.

Are you listening to, reading, viewing and/or supporting works by women? No? You should.


Saturday, January 10, 2009

The hooked purse is done. Now I just have to finish off the edges and sew it up! I'm really happy with the colors, can't wait to use it!

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Returning to Normal Life after a mini-vacay in North Carolina

We returned last week from our Christmas mini-vacation in North Carolina. We stayed in a cabin in Saluda, about 30 miles south of Asheville. Particularly memorable moments were: enjoying a Christmas feast on the deck in the sunshine, coffee in a hot tub with a mountain view, dense mountain fog, wine in a hot tub with a mountain view, playing disc golf in Asheville. Here's a few photos taken along our journey.

On our way out of town... about to embark on our 11 hour (plus) journey, as it rained the ENTIRE day... yes the ENTIRE day... through 6 states

A North Carolina winter landscape

Jesse searching for rocks in the creek

North Carolina Fog

Happy New Year!

Friday, January 02, 2009

The hooked purse is coming along...

Fig gives her approval