Friday, May 22, 2009

Another Shadow Image

Not sure where these images are going, (or if this is going anywhere) but it was just something I wanted to photograph. The quality of light and shapes of the shadows are so transitory, and so pleasing to the eye. Here you can see the newly sprung leaves through the inclusion of them in the frame, and also through the shadowed patterns on the wall. The bare braches of the Catalpa tree serve as a reminder of the past season. A study of early May.

Friday, May 08, 2009

Opening Reception a Success! ...Now What?

The opening for my solo exhibition at Woman Made was an absolute success! A ton of friends, colleagues, and yes even my students came to see the show. I arrived early around 5:45, and the next thing I new it was 8:45 and the opening was nearly over. What a whirlwind! I also sold a piece - Lily at the Table.

At the opening, someone asked me, "So what's next?" What a great question! I have several ideas for photographs and new bodies of work. So a pursuit of these new ideas will be something I'm focusing on now. Also, where else to exhibit the work? For a long time, I imagined my work at Woman Made Gallery, so now that I've checked that off my list, it's time to find new venues. And that is the trickiest part of this profession if you ask me!

New Photos
Summer is nearly here. One more week of classes and then I can really focus on my own work. Now that things are slowing down a bit, I actually have time to look back at some of the photos I've shot recently. I've got 2 images that I really like of the windows in my living room. I think I have a visual obsession with these windows. Their appearance changes so much throughout the day, and also with the seasons. These two were taken in winter & early spring.

Late Winter
The blinds are down. It's February and I just woke up. I'm headed into the kitchen to make coffee. My feet are cold. The sun shines bright through the bare trees, casting shadows on the blinds. It almost looks like it could be warm outside, but I know better than to think so.

Early Spring
On a mid-April afternoon, I am fascinated by the layering of limbs, shadows, and brick wall as seen through one of my 3 living room windows. I can feel spring coming. Any day now.