Monday, November 16, 2009

More images shot from the pink line platform...

And another Westside graffiti shot...

Spent some time printing this weekend - printed these 3 recent shots, plus a few others. I still have more editing to do of images that I shot a week ago. It seems like I can't ever get caught up on my own work, at least not while the semester is in full swing. Only 5 more weeks to go!

Monday, November 09, 2009

More from the Westside... The Pink Line

Okay so here's a quick post before I go off to teach my next class. Took some images about two weeks ago of interesting things I noticed as I ride the pink line. Can I just say how much I really love the pink line? My favorite parts of the blue line were always the areas that are on elevated tracks, well the pink line is completely above ground, and you see amazing things as you ride through the various neighborhoods on Chicago's westside. Here's an image I took at the polk station - propbably my favorite stop on the pink line because it has such interesting 60s-style windows that frame various views of the city. Here's one of the photos... will post more.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

More from the Westside...

There's an amazing block in Little Village that is covered by graffiti on 4 sides - nearly the whole block. I had noticed the ever-changing graffiti before, but recently my husband and I took the time to walk all the way around it and really study the artwork on it. This section of the wall was made by the "Saw Crew". The wall features several different graffiti crews who seem to be battling it out with their paint. I thought it had an interesting use of color, and liked the way it fit into the late October foliage.

I printed this image on my new (well new to me) Espon 7880 printer - what a powerful machine it is! Love it!!

More photos to come when I have time to sit down and work on them...