Friday, May 12, 2006

Done, done, done!!!

Something Like Despair
Originally uploaded by lilymayfield.
I made it!! What a semester. It was full of all kinds of emotional roller-coasters, but I made it!! And it went pretty well. My end of semester review was definately the best one I have ever had in my 4 semesters at Columbia. I can't believe how well it went. It was so UN-painful. Their criticism was actually helpful and constructive. And I actually got a lot of positive feedback and comments... crazy, huh?

And I'm so excited about experimenting this summer. I got a new Toyo 45A field camera, and I'm ready to start using it. One of the things my panel mentioned was to think about how I would present the work. I definately need to think about that. I've been so focused on trying to make good pictures, I just let that part go. But I'll figure it out.

And you know what else I'm excited about? I can read whatever the hell I want ALL SUMMER LONG! Yay! I've got a stack of books waiting for me.

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