Saturday, June 20, 2009

Disc Golf

I'm thinking this could lead to an interesting new project. The hard part is deciding whether to photograph or play, since it is hard to do both and keep up with the group. I recently had a minor surgery that prevented me from playing, so I brought my camera and tagged along. These are some of the images I liked.

In an article I read recently about disc golf, the author described the sport as a "long walk in circles." I hadn't really thought of it that way - but what an accurate and poetic way of thinking about the the sport. The courses are often in fairly small parks, and through a highly creative and meandering use of space, the players are able to play 9, 18, or 27 holes. I often find myself slightly disoriented, because of the twists and turns of the course. You come around some corner, and realize you are right next to an earlier hole. Walking in Circles might be an interesting working title for this project.

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