Old Florida
I love this time of year. The semester is winding down and the summer is stretching out before me. My mind starts to wander back to my own work. I have so many subjects that I'd like to photograph and the time is nearly here when I can really focus on it.
So since today is a rainy kind of day, I figured I'd spend some time tying up loose ends... and believe it or not I still have photos that I haven't edited yet... some photos from Florida. So here's one of 3 or 4 that I'll be posting.

Cans, Ozello, FL
If I was able to travel back home more often, I'd photograph images of what I refer to as "old Florida." There's plenty of small towns that still feel completely wild, like Florida once was before Disney World culture took over. This photo was taken in Ozello, a tiny little town on Florida's northwest coast. I was struck by the aluminum cans decorating the shrubs like ornaments on a christmas tree, a trace of human presence in this wild place.
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