Wednesday, October 08, 2008

So I haven't blogged in quite a long time. I've been swamped with the classes I'm teaching and also getting ready for... Around the Coyote 2008 Fall Festival. It is just around the corner... October 17-19. I will be there all weekend long, so stop by and see me! Check the website for more information


dulcy said...

Wow! Are you going to have your photographs for sale? Yes, yes I'm sending you some goodies soon. Just wanted to finish this silly mystery I've been reading and add it to the stash.


Elise Tanner said...


This is kind of awkwardly random, but I've just looked through your website and now I feel compelled to leave a comment.

I'm in Margaret Denny's Thursday afternoon Photo History II class, so that's how I randomly stumbled upon your work.

I just wanted to say that your work is incredibly beautiful and I love your ideas. Your photographs are definitely the kind that I can look to for inspiration. Also, your website layout is one of the neatest and easiest to navigate of all the photography websites I've come across.

Anyway, that is all!
