Here's a few photos I took the other day right in between snowstorms. There's a lot of snow on the ground. And more coming down steadily outside the window right now. Looks like Chicago will have a white Christmas.

Peace and Joy
OPENING RECEPTION: Friday, September 5, 6-9 pm
Juried and curated by Beate Minkovski, co-founder and Executive Director of Woman Made Gallery, this exhibition includes artists chosen from 13 midwestern states, and the featured work includes painting, sculpture, photography, video and mixed media collage. Educated in Germany and the US, Beate is a recognized presence in the Chicago art world, particularly through Woman Made Gallery, a notable forum for women artists.
Participating artists include: ATYL, Barbara Aubin, Wanrudee Buranakorn, Pritika Chowdry, Patricia Delker, Ellen Roth Deutsch, Teresa Dick, Janet Gerske, Magadalene Gorecki, Susan Grace, Judy Gregurich, Jodie Hardy, Leslie Hirshfield, Sara Holwerda, Cydney M. Lewis,
Lily Mayfield, Monika Meler, Sheila Oettinger, Marivi Ortiz, Corinne D. Peterson, Judith Roth, Maura Schaffer, Victoria Senn, S. Gayle Stevens, and Rena Zaid.
Exhibition runs from Sept 3- 27. Come and check it out!!